Before It’s Too Late: Protecting Your Valuables Through Decluttering

I have a special guest on my blog this time. I recently met a fellow NAPO organizer, Claudia Pugay, the owner of Cloudy to Clear Professional Organizing serving the San Francisco Bay Area. Her focus is helping busy families and truly loves working with seniors in our community. In her blog she shares her experience with one of her clients who lost a large portion of her possessions after a water pipe burst in her apartment. Take it away, Claudia!

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Thank you Kenna for the opportunity to be on your blog! Let me jump into sharing my client’s experience and my tips for avoiding a disastrous situation.

I read a frantic text from my client and I could just hear the desperation in her voice: “Help! My apartment flooded and everything in my bedroom and living room was destroyed!” I had been working with her for months trying to downsize large collections from her many travels and now we were faced with possibly throwing away some of her possessions.

We all have those beloved treasures tucked away in storage—whether it's older clothing that holds sentimental value or memorabilia from another era. These items are often packed away to protect them from the elements, yet they rarely see the light of day. Months or even years can pass before we check on them, and in the meantime, they occupy valuable space in our homes.

Often, we know there are boxes in our closets, attics, or basements, but we lack the courage, energy, or desire to go through them. Unfortunately, it sometimes takes a disaster—whether it's a flood, fire, mold infestation—to force us into action. And by then, it’s too late.

As a professional organizer, I've seen this scenario unfold time and time again. Clients discover boxes filled with items they once cherished, only to find that these treasures have been irreparably damaged. Mold, moths, water damage—these are all too common in stored items that haven’t been tended to for years. The sadness of opening a box to find a precious sweater eaten away by moths or family photos ruined by mold is avoidable.

Don’t wait until disaster strikes to go through your stored belongings. Here are my 7 tips on how to declutter sentimental items effectively:

1. Start Small and Set a Goal

Begin with a small area or a single box. Setting a manageable goal, such as decluttering one box per week, can make the process less overwhelming. This way, you won’t feel rushed and can give each item the attention it deserves.

2. Prioritize What Truly Matters

As you go through your items, ask yourself what truly holds sentimental value and what you’re holding onto out of habit or guilt. Prioritize items that bring you joy or have significant meaning. If something doesn’t evoke a strong emotional response, consider letting it go.

3. Digitize Memories

For items like old letters, photos, or documents, consider digitizing them. This way, you can preserve the memory without taking up physical space. You can store digital copies on a cloud service, ensuring they’re safe from physical damage.

4. Repurpose or Display Special Items

Instead of storing all your sentimental items in boxes, think about repurposing or displaying some of them. Turn an old quilt into a piece of wall art, or use a beloved piece of jewelry in your everyday life. By integrating these items into your daily environment, you keep the memories alive and prevent them from being forgotten.

5. Create a Memory Box

If you can’t part with certain items but don’t have space to display them, create a designated memory box. Choose a sturdy, protective container and store only your most cherished belongings in it. Label it clearly and keep it in a safe place.

6. Involve Loved Ones

If you’re having trouble letting go of certain items, involve family members or friends. Sometimes, passing an item on to someone who will appreciate it can make it easier to part with.

7. Reflect and Let Go

Understand that letting go of an item doesn’t mean letting go of the memory associated with it. Reflect on the joy it brought you, then allow yourself to release it. Trust that the memories will stay with you, even without the physical object.

Remember, decluttering is not about discarding your past—it’s about making room for your present and future. Regularly revisiting and decluttering your sentimental items helps you maintain a clutter-free, organized home and ensures that your most cherished possessions are properly cared for and enjoyed.

My client is now recovering from this unfortunate event. We were able to salvage a large number of items and as she continues to declutter, we are following the outlined steps and she’s only keeping what truly makes her happy.

If you have any other tips to share or if you’ve been through an experience similar to this one, please add your comments! I would love to hear from you!

Kenna Lee

Professional Organizer

San Francisco | Atlanta

5 Life Hacks From a Professional Organizer