Chronic Disorganization
Have you lived with disorganization for most of your life? Does disorganization interfere with your quality of life, your job, your relationships, or your sleep? Have you tried to be more organized but nothing seems to work? You may be suffering from Chronic Disorganization (CD).
CD is severe disorganization that persists over a long period of time, significantly impacts one’s quality of life, and is resistant to self-help attempts. The Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) is the leading authority on CD and they have a wealth of free literature on their website if you are interested in learning more about CD.
If you think you may be suffering from CD, we recommend this ICD quiz to help you understand the symptoms of CD. We also recommend this 20-minute video introduction to CD.
If you think you might be ready to receive help for CD, we recommend this ICD fact sheet: Readiness for Change. It is important that you are truly ready for change before you begin working with a professional organizer. Nobody can force change upon you - you must be ready to accept and welcome a new way of thinking and living. If you are not ready for change, your relationship with your organizer will be frustrating, and organizing may be a negative experience for you.
Calm Spaces is here when you are ready to work on your CD.
Chronic Disorganization can be a symptom of many different mental health conditions and is best treated with a team approach. We recommend that our CD clients seek treatment from a mental healthcare provider in addition to a professional organizer. We do not provide mental health treatment and we are not licensed mental health providers. You can find a licensed mental health provider that specializes in Chronic Disorganization in your area here.

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